Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Week 1: Storybook Favorites

The first project that I chose to review was Ghostly Adventures.  I don't necessarily enjoy watching scary movies, because I won't be able to sleep the next night, but I can handle reading scary stories.  To my surprise the stories were Oklahoma based, much to my pleasant surprise, and this really interested me since I am from around here.  I have heard about the Skirvin Hotel in downtown Oklahoma City being haunted, but I have not heard of the other two stories prior to reading through the Storybook.  Although I know the text is a revision of other stories, he did a good job with creating visuals for the reader.  The layout of the pages were overall simple and easy to use.  The only complaint about this story is that unless I am not finding the last link, to the final story, the author did not (or was not able to) complete the text, and left out the last story that he mentioned in the introduction.  

(The Ghost In Bed: Ghosts)

The next storybook I had chosen was The Secrets of Women in the Bible.  Many biblical stories utilize a male character as the protagonist, and in this Storybook had a focus on women, and this had initially caught my eye.  This topic is not one that I am familiar with, and the introduction did well in giving enough details without giving up the whole plot.  The way the author portrayed the women in her Storybook was done very nicely, and the format of the author's note at the end of the each excerpt explained a lot of details that were unable to be depicted in the stories themselves.  I liked how the author did this, and it leaves the reader with some resolution with the stories. 

(Queen Esther: Sugar Doodle)

The last Storybook I have chosen to read was Tales of Mount Olympus High.  The other two Storybooks I had chosen had a mysterious-like background to them, where this one was told in the perspective of a sixteen year old Greek goddess. The change in tone, and the Greek mythology background, is what persuaded me to continue with the text.  Out of all three author's I believe this last one did the best job overall. Her stories didn't make sense at first, but when I read the author's notes it all became very clear.  They revealed the author herself was very creative!  I don't think I would have ever thought of taking a story and putting my own complete twist on it, at least not as well as she did.  The layout of this project was different from the previous two, but all of them were easily accessed

(Mount Olympus: Ancient Worlds)

This assignment displayed how much freedom and creativity we are allowed to use, and it is very exciting.  

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