Thursday, August 14, 2014

OU Email Tech Tip

Before completing this Tech Tip I hadn't thought of using separate folders to sort my mail.  I primarily use my iPhone's mail app for reading messages, and when something is important I use the "flag" feature.  When I entered college I merged my OU Exchange account, and I primarily use Yahoo! for email purposes.  I'm glad I decided to do all my Tech Tips early.  I'm not very computer savvy, and I've already learned so much!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are enjoying the Tech Tips, Liza Ann! You are the beneficiary of past students since what I do every year is go through and find the tips that last year's students seemed to like the most, so I keep those, and then I add new ones to see what other things people might want to try! I'm really happy you are finding them fun/useful. :-)
