Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Google Presence Tech Tip

I have googled my name in the past, but I was more surprised than ever when I did it for this Tech Tip.  I was utterly shocked!  I found myself on just about every social media outlet, music outlet, etc.   The first link that popped up was my Myspace, which I haven't used in years! This tip was an eye-opener for me.  I am very aware on how important it is to have a good online image for potential employers, but I completely forgot about all the things that I no longer use.  With the help of this tip I remembered to re-login into these particular sites and change the settings to private.  In doing this I can further shape my online presence. My name is pretty distinctive, but there were a few others that popped up in the list of links, which was interesting.  

1 comment:

  1. What you say fits in with what a lot of people experience, Liza-Ann: often younger kids in junior high and high school have lots more free time and spend time on social media, but then when they go to college, they are busier in all kinds of activities, and so they don't have so much time to do social media and/or they learn more about how to use settings to keep truly private stuff private. What I'm hoping is that through this class, you can see how easy it is to make a public presence too, with things related to school of fun stuff that is not school but not exactly private, like sharing recipes, book reviews, that kind of thing. The Internet search engines are aware of what is popular and/or what is newer, so as you put new stuff online, it makes a big impact on the search results.
