Friday, September 5, 2014

Week 3 Essay: Ease of Reading

I found this assignment under the Essay topics, and it discusses how visual ques aid us when reading. There were many passages, and below I will discuss the one that was the most challenging for me to decipher.  

For me, it was more difficult to read passages that contained all upper case letters and lacked spaces in between the words.  For example: 
 Example 6

I found that although punctuation is a valuable tool, the lack of spacing made readings all the more difficult.  If an example contained writing that followed non-standard use of upper- and lower-case letters, but had at least some variation then the reading became easier. Reading out loud, reading slowly, and even placing my finger on the screen were tactics I had to utilize to make reading easier.  I think the development of spaces in sentence structure was derived so that we, as human beings, could understand the flow of text better.  Without the spaces it is easy for one to become impatient with the reading, and skipping over words can occur.  When reading the passage about, I had to read it several times or I found myself skimming, getting the main point of the text, but missing key details. By doing this I was only getting part of what was being told in the joke, and I was beginning to become confused on what was going on. Punctuation is also important that it ends and separates one idea from another. If punctuation was absent in a writing run-ons would occur, and ideas become interconnected.  When this happens the reader, again, becomes confused.  During this assignment if the readings at least had either punctuation or use of both upper- and lower-case letters the reading was easier. I find this is because they are cues to separate individual words and ideas.  This way when someone reads the text they have an understanding of what is going on.  

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